Millions of Painted Ladies migrate each summer from the warm southern region of the continent to the cooler, northern provinces. Sometimes, they move en masse, delighting onlookers. Many generations can be produced each year, with more in of them in warmer climates. In areas of mild winters, this species can remain active all year. This popular native butterfly is welcomed and admired in all three nations of North America.
Painted Ladies are a myriad of colors and patterns. With wings flat, an overall rosy-orange and black color combination predominates. Small black eyespots border the hindwings' edges. White spots contrast on the black wing tips. Dark pink or red surrounds a black dot near the upper edge of the forewings. When wings are raised up, a completely different color scheme presents itself. The underside of the wings is brown and white with sneaks of orange and pink. The edge of each hindwing has four similar-sized blue and yellow eyespots. Adults drink flower nectar and are often seen on asters. Males actively search for females to mate with. Females lay fertilized eggs on the leaves of host plants.
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* MAP NOTES: The territorial heat map above showcases (in red) the states and territories of North America where the Painted Lady Butterfly may be found (but is not limited to). This sort of data is useful when attempting to see concentrations of particular species across the continent as well as revealing possible migratory patterns over a species' given lifespan. Some insects are naturally confined by environment, weather, mating habits, food resources and the like while others see widespread expansion across most, or all, of North America. States/Territories shown above are a general indicator of areas inhabited by the Painted Lady Butterfly. Insects generally go where they please, typically driven by diet, environmental changes, and / or mating habits.