Site Map (page left intentionally unformatted)


Arachnid Dichotomous Key
External Anatomy of Honey Bees
Identifying Insects
Insect Anatomy
Insect Key
Insect Mouth Parts
Insect Taxonomic Orders
Insects by State
Insects of Mexico
Insect Metamorphosis
Nursery Web Spider
Insect Orders
Privacy Policy
Insect Process of Molting
Scientific Names of Insects
Spider Anatomy
Termite Basics
Winged Insect Key
Wingless Insect Key


Alderflies and Dobsonflies
Antlions and Lacewings
Bees, Ants, and Wasps
Biting Insects
Black and Orange Beetles
Black and Orange Bugs
Bugfinder: Ants, Bees, & Wasps
Bugfinder: Beetles
Bugfinder: Butterflies & Moths
Bugfinder: Dragonflies & Damselflies
Bugfinder: Grasshoppers & Crickets
Bugfinder: Spiders
Bugfinder INDEX
Bugfinder: True Bugs
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Harmful Insects
Helpful Insects
Complete Insect Database (All Records)
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Red and Black Bugs
Scorpions, Whipscorpions, & Pseudoscorpions
Stinging Insects
Tree Pests
True Bugs
Walkingsticks/Stick Bugs

By State or Territory (U.S., Canada, and Mexico

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland & Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


Abbott's Sphinx Moth
Abbreviated Button Slug Moth
Achemon Sphinx Moth
Acorn Weevil
Adjutant Wainscot Moth
Afflicted Dagger Moth
African Fig Fly
Agapostemon Sweat Bee
Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Alberta Lutestring Moth
Alfalfa Looper Moth
Ambiguous Moth
Ambush Bug
American Bird's-Wing Moth
American Bluet Damselfly
American Bumble Bee
American Carrion Beetle
American Cockroach
American Copper
American Dagger Moth
American Dog Tick
American Dun-bar Moth
American Ermine Moth
American Giant Millipede
American House Spider
American Hover Fly
American Idia
American Lady Butterfly
American Lappet Moth
American Mourning Bee
American Oil Beetle
American Pelecinid Wasp
American Rubyspot Damselfly
American Salmonfly
American Snout Butterfly
Andrew's Snail-eating Beetle
Angulose Prominent Moth
Angus' Datana Moth
Anise Swallowtail Butterfly
Ant Mimic Spider
Ant-like Longhorn Beetle
Antelope Beetle
Antlion - G. gratus
Antlion - Vella fallax
Aphrodite Fritillary Butterfly
Appalachian Brown Butterfly
Arabesque Orbweaver
Arched Hooktip
Archips Leafroller
Arcigera Flower Moth
Arctic Blue Butterfly
Arctic Skipper
Army Cutworm Moth
Armyworm Moth
Arrow-shaped Micrathena Spider
Arrowhead Orb Weaver
Ash Sphinx
Ash-tip Borer Moth
Ashmead's Digger Wasp
Ashy Gray Lady Beetle
Asian Carpet Beetle
Asian Giant Hornet
Asian Horntail
Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle
Asimina Webworm Moth
Assassin Bug
Assassin Bug
Assassin Bug
Assassin Bug
Assassin Bug: Z. luridus
Atlantis Fritillary Butterfly
Attentive Crocus Moth
Augochlora Sweat Bee
Autumn Meadowhawk
Aztec Spur-throat Grasshopper
Azure Bluet
Backswimmer - N. unifasciata
Bagworm Moth
Bahamian Swallowtail Butterfly
Bald-faced Hornet
Baltimore Checkerspot
Baltimore Snout
Band-winged Crane Fly
Band-winged Hoverfly
Banded Alder Borer Beetle
Banded Ash Borer
Banded Black Carpet Beetle
Banded Fishing Spider
Banded Garden Spider
Banded Hairstreak
Banded Horntail
Banded Longhorn Beetle
Banded Net-winged Beetle
Banded Olethreutes
Banded Pennant
Banded Sphinx
Banded Tiger Moth
Banded Tussock Moth
Banded Woollybear Caterpillar Moth
Barberry Geometer Moth
Bark Centidpede
Bark Crab Spider
Bark Crab Spiders
Barn Funnel Weaver Spider
Basilica Orbweaver
Basswood Leafroller
Bean Leaf Beetle
Beautiful Wood-Nymph
Bed Bug
Bee Assassin Bug
Bee Fly
Bee Fly
Bee Fly
Bee Fly
Bee Fly
Bee Fly
Bee Fly
Bee Killer
Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetle
Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetle
Bee-like Robber Fly
Bee-like Robber Fly
Bee-like Tachinid Fly
Beech Blight Aphid
Beetle Grub
Behr's Metalmark Butterfly
Bent-line Carpet Moth
Bent-line Dart
Bent-line Gray
Bethune's Pinion Moth
Bicolored Agapostemon Sweat Bee
Bicolored Flower Longhorn Beetle
Bicolored Pyrausta
Bicolored Sallow
Bidens Borer Moth
Big Dipper Firefly
Big Poplar Sphinx
Big-headed Ground Beetle
Bilobed Looper
Bird Grasshopper
Black and Red Blister Beetle
Black and Yellow Garden Spider
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber
Black Bit Moth
Black Bladder-bodied Meloid Beetle
Black Blister Beetle
Black Blow Fly
Black Carpenter Ant
Black Carpet Beetle
Black Caterpillar Hunter
Black Earwig
Black Firefly
Black Ground Bug
Black Horse Fly
Black Onion Fly
Black Saddlebags Skimmer
Black Soldier Fly
Black Swallowtail
Black Tail Crab Spider
Black Vine Weevil
Black Widow
Black Witch
Black-and-white Click Beetle
Black-and-yellow Lichen Moth
Black-banded Owlet Moth
Black-barred Brown
Black-blotched Prominent Moth
Black-bordered Lemon
Black-dotted Glyph
Black-dotted Ruddy Moth
Black-edged Dichomeris Moth
Black-horned Gem Fly
Black-horned Tree Cricket
Black-legged Tick
Black-tailed Bee Fly
Black-tipped Darner
Black-waved Flannel Moth
Blackberry Looper
Blinded Sphinx Moth
Blister Beetle
Blister Beetle
Blister Beetle
Blister Beetle - L. aeneipennis
Blue Blow Fly
Blue Dasher
Blue Death-feigning Beetle
Blue Morpho
Blue-eyed Darner
Blue-fronted Dancer
Blue-winged Wasp
Bluish Spring Moth
Bolas Spider
Bold Jumper
Bold Medicine Moth
Bold-feathered Grass Moth
Boll Weevil
Boll's Potter Wasp
Bordered Patch Butterfly
Bordered Plant Bug
Bordered Plant Bug
Bowl and Doily Weaver Spider
Boxelder Bug
Boxwood Leaftier Moth
Braconid Wasp
Braconid Wasp
Bristly Cutworm Moth
Bristly Millipede
Broad-headed Sharpshooter
Broad-necked Root Borer
Broad-patch Cochylid Moth
Broken-backed Bug
Brown Angle Shades
Brown Bark Carpet Moth
Brown Dog Tick
Brown Lacewing
Brown Mantidfly
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Brown Millipede
Brown Panopoda Moth
Brown Prionid Beetle
Brown Recluse
Brown Widow
Brown-belted Bumble Bee
Brown-hooded Cockroach
Brown-hooded Owlet
Brown-shaded Gray
Buck Moth
Buffalo Treehopper
Bumblebee Scarab Beetle
Bumelia Borer Beetle
Burdock Borer Moth
Burrower Mayfly
Burrowing Bug
Burying Beetle
Bush Cicada
Bush Katydid
Cabbage Looper Moth
Cabbage White Butterfly
California Common Scorpion
California Root Borer Beetle
California Sister Butterfly
California Swollen Stinger Scorpion
California Timema
California Tortoiseshell Butterfly
California Trapdoor Spider
Calleta Silkmoth
Calligrapha Beetle
Calligrapha Beetle
Camel Cricket
Canadian Owlet
Canadian Sphinx
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Candy-striped Leafhopper
Canopy Jumping Spider
Carmine Snout Moth
Carolina Leaf-roller Cricket
Carolina Locust
Carolina Mantis
Carolina Pine Sawyer
Carolina Tiger Beetle
Carolina Wolf Spider
Carpenter Ant
Carpet Moth
Carrot Seed Moth
Case-bearing Leaf Beetle
Cassius Blue Butterfly
Cat-faced Spider
Catalpa Sphinx
Cattail Caterpillar Moth
Ceanothus Silkmoth
Cecropia Silk Moth
Cedar Beetle
Celery Leaftier Moth
Celery Looper Moth
Celia's Roadside-Skipper
Celypha Moth
Ceraunus Blue Butterfly
Cereal Leaf Beetle
Changeable Grass-Veneer
Checkered Beetle
Checkered Beetle
Checkered White
Chenopodium Scythris Moth
Cherry Scallop Shell Moth
Chickweed Geometer
Chinese Mantid
Chosen Sallow
Cicada Killer
Cimbicid Sawfly
Cinnabar Moth
Citrus Flatid Planthopper
Clay-colored Billbug
Clemen's Clepsis Moth
Clemen's Grass Tubeworm Moth
Click Beetle
Click Beetle
Close-banded Yellowhorn Moth
Clouded Plant Bug
Clouded Skipper
Clouded Sulphur
Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly
Clover Hayworm Moth
Clover Looper Moth
Clymene Haploa
Coarse-backed Red Paper Wasp
Cobweb Spider - Theridion
Cocklebur Weevil
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
Colorado Potato Beetle
Colorado Soldier Beetle
Colorful Zale
Columbine Duskywing
Comb-Clawed Spider
Common Angle
Common Barklice
Common Blue Mud Dauber
Common Buckeye Butterfly
Common Checkered-Skipper
Common Coneheads
Common Drone Fly
Common Eastern Bumble Bee
Common Eupithecia Moth
Common Gray
Common Green Bottle Fly
Common Green Darner
Common Looper
Common Lytrosis Moth
Common Meadow Katydid
Common Oak Moth
Common Oblique Syrphid Fly
Common Paper Wasp
Common Pillbug
Common Ringlet Butterfly
Common Roadside-Skipper
Common Sanddragon
Common Sawfly
Common Sootywing Skipper
Common Spragueia
Common Spring Moth
Common Stonefly
Common Tan Wave Moth
Common Whitetail Skimmer
Common Wood-Nymph
Compton Tortoiseshell Butterfly
Conchuela Stink Bug
Confused Eusarca
Confused Haploa Moth
Confused Woodgrain
Conifer Sawfly
Convergent Lady Beetle
Copper Underwing
Coppery Leafhopper
Coral Hairstreak Butterfly
Cork-lid Trapdoor Spider
Corn Earworm Moth
Cottonwood Borer Beetle
Cottonwood Leaf Beetle
Cow Killer
Crab Spider
Crab Spider
Crab Spider
Crambid Snout Moth
Crambid Snout Moth
Crane Flies
Crane Fly
Crane Fly - B. dispellens
Crane Fly - Lunatipula
Cream-bordered Dichomeris
Crested Millipede
Cribellate Orb Weaver
Crocus Geometer
Cross Orbweaver
Cross-lined Wave
Cross-striped Cabbageworm Moth
Crowned Slug Moth
Cryptopid Centipede
Cuban Cockroach
Cuckoo Bee
Cuckoo Wasp
Currant Spanworm Moth
Curve-lined Owlet Moth
Curve-toothed Geometer
Dainty Sulphur Butterfly
Dark Brown Click Beetle
Dark Fishfly
Dark Jerusalem Cricket
Dark Marathyssa
Dark Wood Cockroach
Dark-banded Geometer
Dark-headed Aspen Leafroller Moth
Darkling Beetle
Darkling Beetle - Argoporis spp.
Darkling Beetle - E. ventricosus
Dart Moth
Dart Moth
Deadhead Hover Fly
Decorated Owlet
Deep Yellow Euchlaena
Deer Fly
Definite Tussock Moth
Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly
Delicate Cycnia
Delphacid Planthopper
Delta Flower Scarab Beetle
Dentate Stink Beetle
Derbid Planthopper
Desert Stink Beetle
Desert Tarantula
Devil's Coach Horse
Diana Fritillary
Diaphania costata
Diasemiodes janassialis
Differential Grasshopper
Diminutive Wave
Dimorphic Jumping Spider
Dimorphic Macalla
Dimorphic Tosale Moth
Dingy Cutworm Moth
Dinumma deponens
Dirt-colored Seed Bug
Dirt-colored Seed Bug
Dirt-colored Seed Bug
Discolored Renia Moth
Distinct Quaker
Divided Olethreutes Moth
Dog Day Cicada
Dogbane Leaf Beetle
Dogwood Borer
Dogwood Sawfly
Dogwood Spittlebug
Dogwood Thyatirin Moth
Dot-lined White
Dot-tailed Whiteface Dragonfly
Dotted Gray
Double Lobed Moth
Double-banded Scoliid Wasp
Double-lined Prominent
Double-striped Bluet
Double-striped Scoparia Moth
Double-toothed Prominent
Doubleday's Baileya Moth
Drab Brown Wave Moth
Drab Prominent
Dreamy Duskywing
Drexel's Datana Moth
Drone Fly
Drugstore Beetle
Dun Skipper
Dung Beetle - Dichotomius
Earth-boring Scarab Beetle
Eastern Amberwing
Eastern Blood-sucking Conenose
Eastern Carpenter Bee
Eastern Comma
Eastern Eyed Click Beetle
Eastern Forktail Damselfly
Eastern Harvestman
Eastern Hercules Beetle
Eastern Leaf-footed Bug
Eastern Phantom Crane Fly
Eastern Pine Elfin Butterfly
Eastern Pondhawk
Eastern Red Damsel
Eastern Shieldback Katydid
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Eastern Yellowjacket
Eastern-tailed Blue Butterfly
Ebony Jewelwing
Echo Azure Butterfly
Echo Moth
Edwards Glassy Wing
Eggplant Flea Beetle
Egyptian Bird Grasshopper
Eight-spotted Forester Moth
Elder Shoot Borer
Elderberry Borer Beetle
Elegant Blister Beetle
Elephant Hawk Moth
Elephant Rhinoceros Beetle
Elm Sawfly
Elm Seed Bug
Elm Sphinx
Emerald Ash Borer
Emerald Euphoria Beetle
Emerald Jumping Spider
Emerald Moth
European Corn Borer Moth
European Drone Fly
European Earwig
European Ground Beetle
European Hornet
European Paper Wasp
European Skipper
European Wool-carder Bee
Evergreen Bagworm Moth
Everlasting Tebenna Moth
Explicit Arches
Eyed Baileya
Eyed Brown Butterfly
Eyed Dysodia Moth
Eyed Paectes Moth
Faint-spotted Angle Moth
Faint-spotted Palthis
Falcate Orangetip
Fall Armyworm Moth
Fall Webworm
False Bombardier Beetle
False Chinch Bug
False Crocus Geometer
False Potato Beetle
False Underwing
False Wolf Spider
Familiar Bluet
Feather-legged Fly
Feather-legged Fly - T. pennipes
Feather-legged Spider
Ferruginous Carpenter Ant
Fervid Plagodis
Festive Tiger Beetle
Field Crescent Butterfly
Field Cricket
Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter
Fiery Skipper
Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle
Fig Sphinx
Filmy Dome Spider
Filter Fly
Fine-backed Red Paper Wasp
Fingered Dagger
Fir Tussock Moth
Fire Ants
Fire-colored Beetle
Fishing Spider
Five-banded Thynnid Wasp
Five-spotted Hawk Moth
Flame Skimmer
Flat Bug
Flat-backed Millipede - Pleuroloma
Flat-backed Millipede - Sigmoria
Flat-faced Longhorn Beetle
Flat-headed Bald Cypress Sapwood Beetle
Flatheaded Hardwood Borer
Flatid Planthopper
Flesh Fly
Florida Fern Moth
Florida Predatory Stink Bug
Flower Fly - C. spp
Flower Fly - H. fasciatus
Flower Fly - S. pyrastri
Flower Fly - S. ribesii
Flower Fly - T. germinatus
Flower Fly - T. marginatus
Flower Fly -T. politus
Flower Longhorn Beetle
Flower Longhorn Beetle
Flower Longhorn Beetle
Flower Longhorn Beetle
Flower Moth
Flowing-line Hypena Moth
Flutter Fly
Folding-door Spider
Forage Looper
Forbes' Silk Moth
Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth
Fork-tailed Bush Katydid
Forktail Damselflies
Formica Ant
Four-barred-Gray Moth
Four-lined Plant Bug
Four-spot Sap Beetle
Four-spotted Ghost Moth
Four-spotted Gluphisia Moth
Four-spotted Mantidfly
Four-spotted Pennant
Four-spotted Velvet Ant
Four-spurred Assassin Bug
Four-toothed Mason Wasp
Fragile Forktail
Friendly Probole Moth
Funereal Duskywing Butterfly
Fungus Weevil
Furrow Bee
Galium Sphinx Moth
Garden Webworm Moth
Garman's Quaker
Gaudy Sphinx Moth
Genista Broom Moth
George's Midget Moth
German Cockroach
Ghost Moth
Giant Bark Aphid
Giant Crab Spider
Giant Darner
Giant Eastern Crane Fly
Giant Ichneumon Wasp
Giant Ichneumon Wasp - Long-tailed
Giant Ichneumon Wasp - M. atrata
Giant Ichneumon Wasp - Norton's
Giant Leopard Moth
Giant Mayfly
Giant Mesquite Bug
Giant Red Velvet Mite
Giant Red-headed Centipede
Giant Stag Beetle
Giant Stonefly
Giant Swallowtail Butterfly
Giant Walkingstick
Giant Water Bug
Giant Whipscorpion
Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Leafhopper
Globemallow Leaf Beetle
Glorious Scarab Beetle
Glover's Silkmoth
Goatweed Leafwing Butterfly
Gold Moth
Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle
Gold-backed Snipe Fly
Gold-marked Thread-waisted Wasp
Goldcap Moss-eater Moth
Golden Net-wing Beetle
Golden Northern Bumble Bee
Golden Silk Orbweaver
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden-winged Skimmer
Goldenrod Crab Spider
Goldenrod Hooded Owlet Moth
Goldenrod Stowaway
Goldsmith Beetle
Gracile Palpita Moth
Granite Moth
Grape Leaffolder
Grape Plume Moth
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Grapevine Beetle
Grapevine Epimenis Moth
Grapevine Hoplia
Grass Spider
Grass-Veneer Moth - Agriphila
Grasshopper Nymphs
Gray Bird Grasshopper
Gray Copper Butterfly
Gray Hairstreak Butterfly
Gray Ministreak Butterfly
Gray Petaltail Dragonfly
Gray Scoopwing Moth
Gray Silverfish
Gray Spring Moth
Gray-edged Hypena
Gray-patched Prominent Moth
Grayish Zanclognatha Moth
Great Ash Sphinx Moth
Great Basin Bumble Bee
Great Basin Wood-Nymph Butterfly
Great Black Wasp
Great Blue Skimmer
Great Golden Digger Wasp
Great Purple Hairstreak
Great Spangled Fritillary
Great Spreadwing
Great Tiger Moth
Greater Angle-wing Katydid
Greater Arid-land Katydid
Greater Grapevine Looper
Greater Oak Dagger
Green and Black Soldier Fly
Green Arches
Green Cloverworm Moth
Green Comma Butterfly
Green Crab Spider
Green Cutworm Moth
Green Horse Fly
Green June Beetle
Green Lacewing
Green Leuconycta
Green Lynx Spider
Green Mantisfly
Green Pug Moth
Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug Nymph
Greenhouse Millipede
Grizzled Mantid
Grizzly Locust
Ground Beetle
Ground Beetle
Ground Beetle
Ground Beetle Grub
Ground Crab Spider
Ground Spider
Grousewinged Backswimmer
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
Gypsy Moth
Hackberry Emperor
Hacklemesh Weaver
Hag Moth
Hagen's Sphinx Moth
Hahncappsia Moth
Hairy Panther Ant
Hairy Rove Beetle
Halloween Pennant
Hardwood Stump Borer Beetle
Harlequin Bug
Harlequin Flower Beetle
Harnessed Tiger Moth
Harris' Three-spot Moth
Hawaiian Garden Spider
Hazelnut Lace Bug
Hemina Pinion Moth
Henry's Elfin Butterfly
Hentz Jumping Spider
Hentzia Jumping Spider
Hera Buck Moth
Herald Moth
Hermit Flower Beetle
Herpetogramma abdominalis Moth
Hesperis Fritillary Butterfly
Hibiscus Leaf Caterpillar Moth
Hickory Hairstreak
Hickory Tussock Moth
Himmelman's Plume Moth
Hister Beetle
Hitched Arches
Hoary Edge Skipper
Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix
Hollow-spotted Plagodis Moth
Holly Borer Moth
Honey Bee
Honey Locust Moth
Horace's Duskywing
Horned Passalus Beetle
Horned Spanworm Moth
Hornet Mimic Hover Fly
Horntail Wasp
Horse Fly
Horse Lubber Grasshopper
Horse-bean Longhorn Beetle
House Centipede
House Cricket
House Fly
House Fly
House Spider
Household Casebearer Moth
Hover Fly
Hover Fly
Hover Fly - E. grossulariae
Hubbard's Small Silkmoth
Huckleberry Sphinx Moth
Hummingbird Moth
Huntsman Spider
Hydriomena Moth
Hyperparasitic Wasp
Ichneumon Wasp
Ichneumon Wasp - A. wiltii
Ichneumon Wasp - Coelichneumon
Ichneumon Wasp - D. bethunei
Ichneumon Wasp - I. ambulatorius
Ichneumon Wasp - Mesostenus
Ichneumon Wasp - Odontocolon spp.
Ichneumon Wasp - Orgichneumon
Ichneumon Wasp - Protichneumon spp.
Ichneumon Wasp - Spilopteron
Ichneumon Wasp - Trogus
Ichneumon Wasps
Ilia Underwing
Imperial Moth
Implicit Arches
Indianmeal Moth
Indigo Stem Borer
Indomitable Graphic Moth
Inornate Pyrausta Moth
Io Moth
Ipsilon Dart Moth
Iron Clad Beetle
Iron Cross Blister Beetle
Iron-lined Olethreutes Moth
Ironweed Borer
Ironweed Clearwing Moth
Ironweed Root Moth
Ivory Marked Beetle
Jagged Ambush Bug
Jagged Ambush Bug
Japanese Beetle
Japygid Dipluran
Jerusalem Cricket
Jewel Beetle
Jewel Weevil
Jewel-tailed Slug Moth
Johnson Jumping Spider
Joined Underwing Moth
Joro Spider
Juba Skipper
Julia Longwing Butterfly
Jumping Bristletail
Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider
Juniper Carpet Moth
Juniper Hairstreak Butterfly
Juniper Stink Bug
Juniper-twig Geometer
Juvenal's Duskywing
Karner Blue Butterfly
Karner Blue Butterfly
Keeled Treehopper
Kerns Flower Scarab Beetle
Knapweed Root Weevil
Kudzu Bug
Labyrinth Moth
Labyrinthine Orb Weaver Spider
Lace Bug
Lake Darner Dragonfly
Lance-tipped Darner
Larder Beetle
Large Four-spotted Scoliid Wasp
Large Lace-border Moth
Large Maple Spanworm Moth
Large Milkweed Bug
Large Mossy Lithacodia
Large Necklace Moth
Large Rove Beetle - P. cinnamopterus
Large Rove Beetle - P. maculosus
Large Tolype Moth
Large Yellow Underwing Moth
Larger Elm Leaf Beetle
Lattice Orbweaver Spider
Laudable Arches
Laurel Sphinx
Leach's Train Millipede
Leaf Miner Fly
Leaf-footed Bug
Leaf-footed Bug
Leaf-footed Bug - A. terminalis
Leaf-footed Bug - C. tabulata
Leaf-footed Bug - L. oppositus
Leaf-footed Bug - L. zonatus
Leaf-footed Bug - Mozena spp.
Leafcutter Ants
Leafcutter Bee - Megachile
Leafhopper - subgenus Cloanthanus
Leafhopper Assassin Bug
Leafhopper nymph (juvenile)
Leafroller Moth
Least Skipper
Leconte's Haploa
Lesser Angle-wing Katydid
Lesser Grapevine Looper
Lesser Ivory-marked Beetle
Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Lesser Meadow Katydid
Lettered Sphinx
Leucospid Wasp
Light Marathyssa Moth
Lily Leaf Beetle
Limoniid Crane Fly
Linden Borer Beetle
Lindsey's Skipper
Little Leaf Notcher
Little White Lichen Moth
Little Wood-Satyr
Little Yellow Sulphur
Locust Borer Beetle
Locust Leaf Miner Beetle
Lone Star Tick
Long-bodied Cellar Spider
Long-horned Bee
Long-horned Caddisfly
Long-horned Slug Moth
Long-jawed Orb Weaver
Long-jointed Beetle
Long-legged Fly
Long-legged Fly
Long-legged Sac Spider
Long-tailed Skipper
Longhorn Beetle
Longhorn Beetle
Longhorn Beetle
Longhorn Beetle -
Longhorn Beetle - Batyle ignicollis
Lorquin's Admiral
Lotus Hairstreak Butterfly
Lucerne Moth
Luminescent Click Beetle
Luna Moth
Lunate Zale Moth
Lupine Blue Butterfly
Lyside Sulphur Butterfly
Macao Paper Wasp
Magdalen Underwing Moth
Magnolia Green Jumping Spider
Maize Weevil
Malachite Butterfly
Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak Butterfly
Mangrove Skipper
Manto Tussock Moth
Many-spotted Tiger Moth
Maple Looper Moth
Maple Spanworm Moth
Maple Webworm Moth
Marbled Orb Weaver
Marbled-green Leuconycta
March Brown Mayfly
Mardon Skipper
Margined Blister Beetle
Margined Burying Beetle
Margined Leatherwing Beetle
Margined White
Marine Blue Butterfly
Maritime Earwig
Marl Pennant Skimmer
Marsh Beetle
Marsh Fly
Masked Hunter
Mason Bee
Master Blister Beetle
Master's Dart Moth
May Beetle - P. cribrosa
May Beetle - P. lanceolata
May Beetles
Meadow Fritillary Butterly
Meadow Spittlebug
Meal Moth
Mealybug Destroyer
Mediterranean Red Bug
Mediterranean Seed Bug
Melissa Blue Butterfly
Melonworm Moth
Mesquite Bug
Metallic Crab Spider
Metallic Wood-boring Beetle
Metallic Wood-boring Beetle
Metallic Wood-boring Beetle: Chalcophora
Metaltella simoni
Metric Paper Wasp
Mexican Orange-kneed Tarantula
Mexican Tiger Moth
Mexican Yellow
Midland Clubtail
Milbert's Tortoiseshell Butterfly
Milkweed Assassin Bug
Milkweed Tussock Moth
Millipede - Narceus americanus/annularis
Millipede - R. mohicana
Mimosa Yellow Sulphur
Miner Bee
Mini Bagworm
Minor Angle Moth
Mint-loving Pyrausta Moth
Mischievous Bird Grasshopper
Modest Sphinx Moth
Monarch Butterfly
Monkey Beetle
Moonseed Moth
Morbid Owlet Moth
Mormon Cricket
Mormon Metalmark Butterfly
Morning-glory Plume Moth
Morning-glory Prominent
Mosaic Darner Dragonfly
Mottled Grass-Veneer Moth
Mottled Gray Carpet Moth
Mottled Prominent Moth
Mottled Tortoise Beetle
Mound Ant
Mountain Laurel Mirid Bug
Mournful Sphinx Moth
Mournful Thyris Moth
Mourning Cloak Butterfly
Mulberry Leaftier Moth
Mutillid Wasp
Mydas Fly
Nais Metalmark Butterfly
Nais Tiger Moth
Narrow-collared Snail-eating Beetle
Nason's Slug
Nessus Sphinx Moth
Net-winged Beetle
Net-winged Beetle
Nevada Buck Moth
Nevada Tiger Moth
Noble Scoliid Wasp
North American Jumping Spider
Northeastern Pine Sawyer
Northern Apple Sphinx
Northern Black Widow
Northern Caddisfly
Northern Checkerspot
Northern Corn Rootworm Beetle
Northern Crescent Butterfly
Northern Eudeilinia Moth
Northern Giant Flag Moth
Northern Golden Bumble Bee
Northern Green-striped Grasshopper
Northern House Mosquito
Northern Mole Cricket
Northern Oak Hairstreak
Northern Paper Wasp
Northern Pearly-eye
Northern Scorpion
Northern Walkingstick
Northern White-Skipper
Norton's Giant Ichneumon Wasp
Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle
Notched-mouth Ground Beetle
Nursery Web Spider
Nut and Acorn Weevil
Nysa Roadside Skipper
Oak Besma
Oak Leafroller
Oak Timberworm Weevil
Oak Treehopper
Oblique Heterocampa Moth
Obscure Bird Grasshopper
Obtuse Euchlaena Moth
Obtuse Yellow
Oil Beetle
Oldwife Underwing
Oleander Aphids
Oleander Hawk Moth
Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth
One-eyed Sphinx Moth
One-spotted Tiger Beetle
One-spotted Variant
Orange Assassin Bug
Orange Beggar Moth
Orange Meadowhawk
Orange Skipperling
Orange Sulphur
Orange Virbia Moth
Orange Wing Moth
Orange-humped Mapleworm Moth
Orange-legged Furrow Bee
Orange-patched Smoky Moth
Orange-tipped Oakworm Moth
Orange-tufted Oneida Moth
Orb Weaver
Oriental Cockroach
Ornate Bella Moth
Ornate Checkered Beetle
Ornate Snipe Fly
Oval Abrostola Moth
Oval-based Prominent Moth
Owlet Moth
Ox Beetle
Oystershell Metrea Moth
Ozark Petrophila Moth
Packard's Lichen Moth
Packard's Wave Moth
Painted Grasshopper
Painted Lady Butterfly
Painted Lichen Moth
Painted Tiger Moth
Pale Beauty
Pale Enargia Moth
Pale Green Weevil
Pale Lichen Moth
Pale Metarranthis
Pale Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Pale Windscorpion
Pale-winged Crocidophora Moth
Pale-winged Midget Moth
Paler Diacme Moth
Palestriped Flea Beetle
Pallid-winged Grasshopper
Palmetto Weevil
Pandorus Sphinx Moth
Paper Wasp
Paper Wasp
Parasitic Fly
Parasitic Fly
Parasitic Fly
Parsnip Webworm Moth
Parson Spider
Parthenice Tiger Moth
Peachtree Borer Moth
Peacock Fly
Pearl Crescent Butterfly
Pearly Wood-Nymph Moth
Pebble Bee
Peck's Skipper
Pennsylvania Firefly
Pennsylvania Leatherwing Beetle
Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach
Peppered Jumper
Periodical Cicada
Periphoba arcaei Moth
Pero Moth
Phaon Crescent Butterfly
Phyllira Tiger Moth
Pickleworm Moth
Picture-winged Fly
Picture-winged Fly
Pigeon Tremex
Pigweed Flea Beetle
Pine False Looper Zale Moth
Pine Imperial Moth
Pine Sawyer Beetle
Pine Sawyer Beetle
Pink Underwing Moth
Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia Moth
Pink-edged Sulphur
Pink-fringed Dolichomia Moth
Pink-patched Looper
Pink-spotted Dart Moth
Pink-spotted Hawkmoth
Pink-striped Oakworm Moth
Pipe Organ Mud Dauber
Pipevine Swallowtail
Pistachio Emerald Moth
Pitch Twig Moth
Plains Lubber Grasshopper
Plant Bug
Plant Bug
Plant Bug
Plant Bug
Pleasing Fungus Beetle
Pleasing Fungus Beetle
Plebeian Sphinx Moth
Plum Curculio
Plume Moth
Plumose Gray Moth
Police Car Moth
Polka Dot Wasp Moth
Polyphemus Moth
Ponderous Borer Beetle
Pondside Pyralid Moth
Pondweed Moth
Poplar Borer Beetle
Porcelain Gray
Posturing Arta Moth
Potato Aphid
Potter Wasp
Potter Wasp
Potter Wasp
Prairie Walkingstick
Praying Mantis
Predaceous Diving Beetle
Predaceous Diving Beetle - A. mediatus
Predatory Stink Bug
Predatory Stink Bug
Predatory Stink Bug
Primrose Moth
Privet Tortrix Moth
Promethea Moth
Promiscuous Angle Moth
Pseudexentera Moth
Psocid Barklice
Pug Moth - Eupithecia spp.
Purplish Copper Butterfly
Pustulated Carrion Beetle
Putnam Jumping Spider
Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta pseudonythesalis
Queen Butterfly
Question Mark Butterfly
Rabbit Bot Fly
Rabid Wolf Spider
Ragweed Weevil
Rainbow Darkling Beetle
Rainbow Scarab Beetle
Ranchman's Tiger Moth
Raspberry Pyrausta
Reakirt's Blue Butterfly
Reckless Jumper
Red Admiral Butterfly
Red Ant-mimic Spider
Red Flat Bark Beetle
Red Folding Door Trapdoor Spider
Red Groundling Moth
Red Milkweed Beetle
Red Oak Borer
Red Paper Wasp
Red Pavement Ant
Red Saddlebags
Red Twin-Spot Moth
Red Velvet Ant
Red-and-black Mason Wasp
Red-banded Hairstreak Butterfly
Red-bordered Emerald
Red-cross Shield Bug
Red-footed Cannibalfly
Red-fringed Emerald Moth
Red-headed Ash Borer
Red-headed Bush Cricket
Red-headed Inchworm Moth
Red-humped Caterpillar Moth
Red-humped Oakworm Moth
Red-legged Buprestis
Red-legged Grasshopper
Red-lined Carrion Beetle
Red-lined Panopoda
Red-shanked Grasshopper
Red-shouldered Bug
Red-shouldered Ctenucha Moth
Red-spotted Ant Mimic Spider
Red-spotted Purple Admiral
Red-waisted Florella Moth
Redbud Borer Beetle
Redbud Leafroller
Reddish Potato Beetle
Reddish Speckled Dart Moth
Regal Jumping Spider
Regal Moth
Repetitive Tachinid Fly
Restless Bush Cricket
Retarded Dagger Moth
Reticulated Net-winged Beetle
Reversed Haploa Moth
Rhinoceros Beetle
Rice Weevil
Riding's Fairy Moth
Ring-legged Earwig
Ringed Paper Wasp
Roadside Sallow Moth
Robber Fly
Robber Fly - Atomosia
Robber Fly - Diogmites
Robber Fly - E. aestuans
Robber Fly - Efferia
Robber Fly - L. astur
Robber Fly - L. fernaldi
Robber Fly - L. grossa
Robber Fly - L. saffrana
Robber Fly - L. sericea
Robber Fly - P. hinei
Robber Fly: L. thoracica
Robin's Carpenterworm Moth
Robinson's Annual Cicada
Rock Bristletail
Rock Slater
Root-Maggot Fly - A. illocata
Root-Maggot Fly - A. oculifera
Rose Chafer
Rose Hooktip Moth
Roseate Skimmer Dragonfly
Rosy Apple Aphid
Rosy Maple Moth
Rough Stink Bug
Round-headed Apple Tree Borer
Round-necked Long-horned Beetle - C. ruricola
Round-necked Long-horned Beetle - M. antennata
Round-tipped Conehead
Rove Beetle
Ruby Quaker Moth
Ruddy Dagger Moth
Running Crab Spider
Running Crab Spider
Running Spider
Rustic Borer
Rustic Quaker
Rustic Sphinx Moth
Rusty-tipped Page
Sac Spider
Sachem Skipper
Sacken's Velvet Ant
Sad Underwing Moth
Saddleback Caterpillar Moth
Saddled Prominent Moth
Saddled Yellowhorn
Sagebrush Checkerspot Butterfly
Salt Marsh Moth
Salt-and-pepper Looper Moth
Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Satin Moth
Satyr Comma Butterfly
Saw-wing Moth
Scale Insects
Scallop Moth
Scalloped Sack-bearer Moth
Scalloped Sallow Moth
Scarites Ground Beetle
Scarlet Lily Beetle
Scarlet Malachite Beetle
Scarlet-bodied Wasp Moth
Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth
Scentless Plant Bug
Schlaeger's Fruitworm Moth
Scissor Grinder Cicada
Scoliid Wasp
Scolopendrid Centipede
Scrub Palmetto Scarab Beetle
Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle
Seashore Springtail
Secondary Screwworm
Seed Bug
Seedcorn Beetle
Seepage Dancer
Selenopid Crab Spider
Semirelict Underwing
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Shadow Darner
Shagreened Slug Moth
Shamrock Spider
Sharp-angled Carpet Moth
Sharp-stigma Looper Moth
Shield-backed Bug - Homaemus
Shield-backed Pine Seed Bug
Shining Leaf Chafer - Anomala spp.
Shining Leaf Chafer - Chrysina spp.
Shining Leaf Chafer Beetle - A. binotata
Shiny Flea Beetle
Short-tailed Ichneumon Wasp
Showy Emerald Moth
Sidewalk Mite
Signate Lady Beetle
Signate Melanolophia
Silver Garden Spider
Silver-spotted Skipper
Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly
Single-dotted Wave Moth
Six-spotted Neolema
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
Skiff Moth
Slaty Skimmer
Sleepy Orange Sulphur
Slender Ant-mimic Jumping Spider
Slender Crab Spider
Slender Meadow Katydid
Slug Caterpillar Moths
Small Bird Dropping Moth
Small Brown Lacewing
Small Carpenter Bee
Small Clouded Brindle Moth
Small Engrailed Moth
Small House Fly
Small Magpie Moth
Small Milkweed Bug
Small Minnow Mayfly
Small Mossy Glyph Moth
Small Necklace Moth
Small Phigalia Moth
Small Wood-Nymph Butterfly
Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Smaller Parasa
Smeared Dagger Moth
Sminthurid Springtail
Smooth-banded Sister Butterfly
Snow Fleas
Snow Mosquito
Snowberry Clearwing Moth
Snowy Urola
Snowy-shouldered Acleris Moth
Sober Renia
Soft-bodied Tick
Soft-winged Flower Beetle
Soil Centipede
Soldier Beetle
Soldier Beetle - P. pruinosis
Soldier Beetle - Silis spp.
Soldier Fly
Soldier Fly
Soldier Fly
Somber Carpet Moth
Sooty Crane Fly
Sooty Longwing Katydid
Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth
Sorghum Webworm Moth
Southeastern Lubber Grasshopper
Southeastern Wandering Spider
Southern Chocolate Angle Moth
Southern Devil Scorpion
Southern Dogface Sulphur Butterfly
Southern Emerald Moth
Southern Flannel Moth
Southern Green Stink Bug
Southern House Spider
Southern Longhorn Moth
Southern Nepytia Moth
Southern Pine Sphinx
Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle
Southern Tussock Moth
Southern Two-striped Walkingstick
Southern Wood Cockroach
Southern Yellowjacket
Southwestern Corn Borer Moth
Southwestern Eyed Click Beetle
Southwestern Squash Vine Borer Moth
Sowbug Killer Spider
Soybean Looper
Soybean Nodule Fly
Spangled Flower Beetle
Spanish Moth
Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth
Speckled Sharpshooter
Sphinx Moth
Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly
Spider Wasp (Auplopus)
Spider Wasp (Entypus)
Spider Wasp (Priocnemis)
Spined Assassin Bug
Spined Micrathena Spider
Spined Soldier Bug
Spined Stilt Bug
Spiny Assassin Bug Nymph
Spiny Oak Slug Moth
Spiny Oakworm Moth
Spinybacked Orbweaver
Spitting Spider
Splendid Dagger Moth
Splendid Earth Boring Beetle
Splendid Palpita
Spot-winged Glider
Spotted Apatelodes
Spotted Beet Webworm Moth
Spotted Camel Cricket
Spotted Cucumber Beetle
Spotted Datana Moth
Spotted Grass Moth
Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted Oleander Caterpillar Moth
Spotted Orbweaver
Spotted Peppergrass Moth
Spotted Phosphila Moth
Spotted Pink Lady Beetle
Spotted Tree Borer Beetle
Spotted Tussock Moth
Spotted-winged Antlion
Spring Azure
Spring Fishfly
Spring White Butterfly
Spun Glass Slug Moth
Spur-throated Grasshopper
Square-headed Wasp
Square-legged Camel Cricket
Squash Bug
Squash Lady Beetle
Squash Vine Borer Moth
St. Andrew's Cotton Stainer
Stag Beetle
Stained Lophosis Moth
Stamnodes marmorata
Statira Sulphur Butterfly
Stealthy Ground Spider
Steel-blue Cricket Hunter
Stilt-legged Fly
Stinging Rose Caterpillar Moth
Stink Bug
Stink Bug
Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid
Straight-lined Plagodis Moth
Strawberry Crown Moth
Strawberry Root Weevil
Strawberry Seed Beetle
Streaked Sphinx Moth
Stream Bluet
Striped Bark Scorpion
Striped Blister Beetle
Striped Cucumber Beetle
Sugar Maple Borer
Summer Azure
Superb Dog-day Cicada
Swamp Cicada
Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle
Sweat Bee
Sweet Potato Weevil
Sycamore Seed Bug
Sycamore Tussock Moth
Syrphid Fly
Tachinid Fly: Juriniopsis
Tachinid Fly: Adejeania
Tachinid Fly: Hystricia
Tailless Whipscorpion
Tan Jumping Spider
Tarantula Hawk
Tarnished Plant Bug
Tawny Emperor Butterfly
Tawny Mole Cricket
Ten-lined June Beetle
Tengellid Spider
Tent Moth
Tephritid Fruit Fly
Tersa Sphinx Moth
Texan Crescent Butterfly
Texas Brown Tarantula
Texas Gray
The Badwing
The Beggar
The Betrothed Moth
The Gem
The Half-wing
The Hebrew Moth
The Infant
The Joker
The Laugher Moth
The Penitent Moth
The Scribbler
The Sweetheart Moth
The Wedgeling
Thick-headed Fly
Thin-legged Wolf Spider
Thin-lined Owlet Moth
Thin-winged Owlet Moth
Thistledown Velvet Ant
Thread-legged Assassin Bug
Thread-legged Assassin Bug
Thread-waisted Wasp
Thread-waisted Wasp
Thread-waisted Wasp
Thread-waisted Wasp: A. aberti
Thread-waisted Wasp: Prionyx
Thread-waisted Wasp: Sphex lucae
Three-banded Leafhopper
Three-lined Flower Moth
Three-lined Hoplia Beetle
Three-lined Potato Beetle
Tiger Bee Fly
Toad Bug
Tobacco Budworm Moth
Tobacco Hornworm Moth
Toothed Brown Carpet Moth
Toothed Phigalia Moth
Tormentose Burying Beetle
Tortricid Moth
Transverse Flower Fly
Trashline Orbweaver
Triangulate Cobweb Spider
Triceratops Beetle
Tricolored Bumble Bee
Tropical Buckeye Butterfly
True Katydid
Tubeworm Moth
Tuft-legged Orbweaver
Tufted Bird Dropping Moth
Tufted Globetail Hover Fly
Tufted Thyatirin
Tulip-tree Beauty Moth
Tulip-tree Silkmoth
Tumbling Flower Beetle
Turkestan Cockroach
Turret Spider
Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle
Twig Pruner Beetle
Twin-spotted Sphinx Moth
Twinflagged Jumping Spider
Two-lined Leather-wing Beetle
Two-lined Spittlebug
Two-marked Treehopper
Two-spotted Forester Moth
Two-spotted Grass Bug
Two-spotted Longhorn Bee
Two-spotted Looper
Two-spotted Stink Bug
Two-spotted Tree Cricket
Two-striped Grasshopper
Two-tailed Swallowtail
Twobanded Japanese Weevil
Typical Leafhopper
Unadorned Carpet Moth
Unicorn Caterpillar Moth
Unspotted Looper Moth
Variable Antepione Moth
Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth
Variable Tropic
Variable Tussock Moth
Varied Carpet Beetle
Variegated Cutworm Moth
Variegated Fritillary Butterfly
Variegated June Beetle
Variegated Meadowhawk
Vashti Sphinx Moth
Velvet Ant
Velvet Ant
Venerable Dart Moth
Venusta Orchard Spider
Versute Sharpshooter
Vietinghoff's Ground Beetle
Vine Sphinx Moth
Vinegar Fly
Virbia Moth
Virginia Creeper Sphinx
Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Virginia Flower Fly
Virginian Tiger Moth
Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle
Walker's Epinotia Moth
Walnut Caterpillar Moth
Walnut Sphinx Moth
Wandering Brocade Moth
Wandering Glider
Wandering Spider
Warm-chevroned Moth
Wasp Moth
Water Penny
Water Scavenger Beetle
Water Strider
Waterlily Leafcutter Moth
Wave Moth - L. hepaticaria
Waved Sphinx Moth
Wavy-lined Emerald Moth
Wavy-lined Heterocampa
Wedge-shaped Beetle
Wee Harlequin Bug
Weevil Wasp
Weidemeyer's Admiral Butterfly
West Coast Lady Butterfly
Western Black Widow
Western Carpenter Bee
Western Cicada Killer
Western Conifer Seed Bug
Western Corsair
Western Dusk Singing Cicada
Western Eyed Click Beetle
Western Flying Adder
Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Western Harvester Ant
Western Hercules Beetle
Western Leaf-footed Bug
Western Pygmy-Blue Butterfly
Western Sculptured Pine Borer
Western Short-horned Walkingstick
Western Spotted Orb Weaver
Western Subterranean Termite
Western Tent Moth
Western Tiger Beetle
Western Tiger Swallowtail
Western White Butterfly
Western Wood Cockroach
Western Yellowjacket
Wheel Bug
White Admiral Butterfly
White Checkered-Skipper
White Flannel Moth
White Furcula Moth
White M Hairstreak Butterfly
White Micrathena
White Oak Borer Beetle
White Peacock Butterfly
White Slant-line Moth
White Spring Moth
White-banded Toothed Carpet Moth
White-blotched Heterocampa
White-dotted Groundling Moth
White-dotted Prominent
White-footed Ant
White-fringed Emerald Moth
White-lined Sphinx Moth
White-margined Burrower Bug
White-marked Tussock Moth
White-ribboned Carpet Moth
White-spotted Sawyer Beetle
White-striped Black Moth
White-striped Longtail Skipper
Whitebanded Crab Spider
Wide-footed Treehopper
Widow Skimmer
Wild Forget-me-not Moth
Winter Stonefly
Wolf Spider
Wolf Spider
Wolf Spider
Wolf Spider - S. crassipes
Wolf Spider: T. georgicola
Wood Leopard Moth
Woodland Ground Beetle
Woodland Jumping Spider
Woodrat Bot Fly
Woolly Aphid
Woolly Gray Moth
Xanthostege roseiterminalis
Yehl Skipper
Yellow Jacket
Yellow Sac Spider
Yellow Slant-line Moth
Yellow Velvet Ant
Yellow Wave Moth
Yellow-banded Millipede
Yellow-based Tussock Moth
Yellow-collared Scape Moth
Yellow-collared Slug Moth
Yellow-faced Bumble Bee
Yellow-fringed Dolichomia
Yellow-haired Dagger Moth
Yellow-headed Looper Moth
Yellow-lined Owlet
Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth
Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth
Yellow-sided Skimmer
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth
Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth
Yellow-striped Sharpshooter
Yellow-vested Moth
Yellow-washed Metarranthis Moth
Yellowjacket Fly
Yucca Moth
Yucca Plant Bug
Zabulon Skipper
Zebra Conchylodes Moth
Zebra Jumper
Zebra Longwing
Zebra Swallowtail
Zig-Zag Furcula Moth